Sunday, March 30, 2025

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8

THOSE SERVING TODAY:                                             

Nursery AM: Amanda & Ellie Stahl

Nursery PM: Sue Zandstra

Greeters AM: Larry & Lori Pals

Greeters PM: Ron & JoAnn Paul

Organist AM: Pam Berens

Organist PM: Pam Berens

Song Service: Men of Grace

Security: Joel Brouwer

Coffee: Jeff & Ina Baukema

Offering: Positive Options

Ushers: Ron Paul & Wes DeJonge


*Continue to pray for the following members of our congregation:  

Healthy pregnancy and Delivery ♥: Jen Leestma

*Our shut-ins: Albertha Martinie, and Dora Vander Hulst


Today: 11:10am Sunday School and Catechism Classes & 5:30PM Men of Grace!

Tuesday: 6:30PM Consistory Meeting

Wednesday: 9AM Ladies' Morning Bible Study - Ch. 9


Tuesday, April 8 – 7PM Council Meeting

Monday, April 14 – 6PM Cadets & GEMS

Friday, April 18th – 7PM Lamont CRC- Good Friday Service

Sunday, April 20th – Easter Service! He is Risen!


Hearing Aid devices are available in the back of church for anyone upon request.
There are large print NKJV Bibles available in the back of church.
You are cordially invited for a time of coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service

We give a warm welcome to the Men of Grace this evening as they come to sing for and with us as we worship our amazing and faithful Lord and Savior! May the Lord continue to be praised in song by these faithful men!

Community Good Friday Service: Seventh Reformed Church invites you to our 55th annual service on April 18, 12:00- 3:00 (WFUR broadcast 2:00-5:00), in which seven local pastors will each preach from one of the seven words of the cross. You are welcome to join us for all or part of the service. Refreshments following the service. (950 Leonard St. NW, Grand Rapids.)

The fellowship committee is collecting freezer meals for Pete & Melanie Veldkamp AND Andrew & Kristen VanderRoest. Make a double of your favorite dish one night and freeze one! We would love to bless both growing families with meals that are easy during this time of change. Please place the meal in the freezer in the cadets room. Don't forget mark who they are for and instructions!! :) Thank you!

A Message from the Elders: Spring Family Visitations have started! The discussion topic is Life in Christ. Please read through Ephesians 2.1-22 prior to your visit. We ask that all members of the household be present as well. Thank you!

March 30, 2025

Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Rev. Jeph Nobel

Sermon: A Taste of Reconciliation

Scripture Reading and Text: Genesis 43:11-34

Evening Worship 5:30 P.M.

Rev. Jeph Nobel

Sermon: For the Land Is Mine

Scripture Reading: Leviticus 25:23-43

Scripture Text: Belgic Confession Article 12 / Leviticus 25

If you would like to add an announcement to our weekly bulletin, please email information to Angie at
Weekly deadline is Thursday at 1 PM.